Friday, October 19, 2007

Felix Ko
English 269A
David Mullen

Love You, Dork

It’s a cold night and the sky is bright. The sky wasn’t bright because of the stars, but because of the lights that was fired up into the sky, and causing a luminous night. My girlfriend, Sandy and I thought tonight was a special and magnificent day. It was her very first time watching fireworks up close, so realistic and fantastic at the same time. It was a special moment for me because I was the one who spent this romantic moment with her and my dream is that as long as she’s happy, I’ll be happy.

Friday, August 31, 2007, I woke up at 8:45a.m, brushed my teeth, washed my face, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Today is a special day and I couldn’t wait until it was night time. When it was 9:45a.m., my father dropped me off at Laney College. I went to my Foundation in Reading and Writing class taught by Mr. Mullen. Today class work was getting into a group of 4 and sharing one of our written experiences in elementary, with our group members. Class ended at 11:45a.m. and I went straight home. I ate lunch, watched television, and did my homework. I called my girlfriend at around 4 something and asked, “What’s the plan?”

She said, “I don’t know. I have to wait for my sister to come back. I’ll call you back.” That day was a hot day and I was planning we’ll walk to the BART station, but she said, “It’s too hot.” What I heard was disappointing because I wanted this day, so badly. I waited desperately for her phone call and at 5p.m., she called. She said, “I don’t know when my sister coming back.” She wanted her sister to give us a ride to the BART station. Again, I waited even more desperately. The feeling of joy was gone, and all I felt was despair. Finally, she called at 6 something. She said, “I’m mad, I don’t know when my sister is coming back.” In my mind I was mad too, for waiting so long. I don’t want to ruin our special day, so I kept it in and said, “Can I come over to your house right now?”

I changed my clothes and went to her house. When I got to her house the scent of my girlfriend was lovely. Her sister came back home to drive us to the BART station. I was like, “Finally.” My girlfriend and I took the BART to Oakland Coliseum to watch the Oakland Athletics game. My girlfriend is a big fan of the A’s since 8th grade, but we didn’t come for the game, but for a magnificent show that was going to happen after the game. Even though we didn’t come for the game, we hope that the A’s would win. When we watched an hour and a couple of minutes of the game, my girlfriend believed that the A’s would lose. I don’t know much about baseball, neither a big fan of the A’s; but I wanted them to win because that’s my girlfriend’s favorite team. I made a bet with my girlfriend that if the A’s win I’ll get to kiss her, and if she wins she’ll get to kiss me. In the bottom of the 10th inning, the game was very intense and it was down 4 to 4, a tie; but in the end, the A’s took home the victory and the whole coliseum was ecstatic. It was a great win and I won my bet, but I didn’t kiss my girlfriend yet.

After the game ended, the baseball field was full of people and my girlfriend and I wanted to go down to lie on the field and watch the sky. Instead we just found 2 seats and sat there. We were waiting patiently for the show to start. Finally, BOOM! At that very moment, I felt as if every one who was witnessing the fireworks show felt a burst of sensation inside of them. Many peoples were silent and eyes were gazing up into the sky. Fireworks were exploding and my girlfriend was amazed. She had never seen fireworks up front and at that moment it felt romantic for both of us. It didn’t matter how mad I was or how long I have waited all day for this because the sadness inside of me had been erased and was replaced by love. As long as she was happy, I’m happy.

We watched with enjoyment and we kissed. Our kiss had no taste, but instead is the love that we tasted, which can’t be tasted, but felt. Though it wasn’t our honeymoon, I felt it was as special as a honeymoon and one day; I wish I could show you fireworks again. Sandy, I want to make you simile and happy just like tonight. I love you, Dork.